Mastodon Nachhilfe Toorak | Nachhilfe online + Nachhilfe zu Hause : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe von zu Hause aus, bequem & sicher
Viele unserer Lehrer/innen bieten Nachhilfe online an.
Fernunterricht, Onlinenachhilfe, E-Learning, via Zoom, Skype, Webcam usw.

Und für alle die dennoch Präsenzunterricht wünschen, bieten wir weiterhin klassische Nachhilfe beim Schüler oder beim Lehrer in Deiner Nähe.

Nachhilfe Toorak

Suche: Toorak  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe in French

1) ID 31095
aus 3142 Toorak
Master degree in Engineering Previous tutoring experience: year 12 student, adult
Nachhilfe Profilbild
Coucou :) My name is Emmanuelle, I am a French native female (23 years old) studying a Master degree at Melbourne Uni. I have been in Melbourne for 6 months now and I still find it amazing that so many people here want to learn French! I think that’s great, I love the idea of sharing and learning about a different culture. I already tutored a year 12 student and an adult last semester and it went so well that I would love to go on and help you improving your French :) I am offering classes that will be designed according to your needs, expectations and level. If you are not sure about what the best method to learn is, I have lots of ideas and some experience to make a program that will suit you the best. The teaching can be as fun and relax as if you were meeting a friend, it can include interactive workshop and simulation, it can use various supports from movies to grammar books… it’s up to you! I will do my best to make you feel comfortable and make these classes effective! Tutoring will take place at my place (Toorak), my Uni, your place or a public location. The rate will be between 20 and 30 depending on your level, your needs, the location and the number of hours you want. Please feel free to contact me for more information. I look forward to meeting you!
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
 erreichbar via E-Mail  erreichbar via Facebook  info  Kontakt
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Nachhilfe in Toorak, Australia:
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Es gilt "Freie Vereinbarung" oder "VHS":
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Diese Regelung ermöglicht faire Vereinbarungen, die für beide Seiten positiv sind.
*unverbindliche Erfahrungswerte
Viel Erfolg!

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 Dringende Chemie-Nachhilfe gesucht Dringende Chemie-Nachhilfe gesucht

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Sprachpartner Englisch gesucht Sprachpartner Englisch gesucht

Suche Techniker Nachhilfe Suche Techniker Nachhilfe

Stundenplan Stundenplan
Linktipps für Nachhilfe & Unterricht

Whiteboard für Online-Unterricht: Idroo Whiteboard für Online-Unterricht: Idroo
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