Mastodon Nachhilfe Mathematics, inc Statistics, Mechanics, Discrete Maths, Engineering Maths. Physics, up to A-level S10 Sheffield, BSc, MEng, PhD, PGCE in Mathematics, Sheffield Fluid, Fluid Nachhilfe in Sheffield : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Fluid Sheffield

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Nachhilfe in Sheffield

Nachhilfe Mathematics, inc Statistics, Mechanics, ... GCSE, A-level, Further Maths, and Undergraduate Maths

ID 34458
aus S10 Sheffield
Mathematics, inc Statistics, Mechanics, Discrete Maths, Engineering Maths. Physics, up to A-level
BSc, MEng, PhD, PGCE in Mathematics
GCSE, A-level, Further Maths, and Undergraduate Maths
I am a senior maths tutor and have more than 20 years of teaching experience covering universities (Higher education), secondary schools and 6th form colleges (Further education). My qualifications include BSc, MSc and PhD, as well as Diploma in Education and PGCE in Mathematics. I am able to teach Mathematics from GCSE, ‘A’ level up to university levels. I am also experienced at providing tuitions for Maths Challenges (including Junior, Intermediate and Senior level), and SAT Mathematics Subject Tests (used for university college admission in the States). I enjoy teaching and adopt a flexible approach to suit individual needs. I always discuss the needs of my pupils first and design a tuition scheme aimed to build their confidence and knowledge in the subject. My focus is to help you understanding and grasping the critical concepts in maths, which will be beneficial not only to your short term exam results, but also to your long term career progress. I find that practice in exam techniques invariably helps to rapidly improve grades, and will provide plenty of exercises if needed. I have achieved excellent results with my tutees.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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