Mastodon Nachhilfe French 3102 Cheltenham, When I studied my masters at university in France, I was a tutor and helped students in Bachelor in , Cheltenham : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Cheltenham

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Suche: Cheltenham  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe Cheltenham

Nachhilfe in French

ID 31767
aus 3102 Cheltenham
When I studied my masters at university in France, I was a tutor and helped students in Bachelor in Law. So, I explained to them the juridical basis.
Beginners to advanced
Hi!! My name is Lili, I' m 24, from France. I ve got a master in business law. I decided to come to Australia in order to gain another masters in international business. I m highly educated, fluent in English ( Academic IELTS : 7 ) and I am sure I can help students to improve their French. I think to have a native French speaker as a tutor is essential to ameliorate your reading, spelling, grammar, pronounciation. I think communication is essential between myself and the student, thus, I will ask first what you want in order to stucture my lesson according to your difficulties, levels, goals and budget. To improve a language it is very important to practice it. I will do my best to encourage you to speak and understand French, I will be an interactive teacher and I will make my lessons fun and interesting. I offer lessons to both children and adults. I also give a summary lesson to parents at the end of each class so you can see and understand what I have taught your child. I m available at any time. Send me an email if you are interested! A bientot!
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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