Mastodon Nachhilfe Art Melbourne, study score of 50, in VCE studio Arts, Melbourne : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Melbourne

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Suche: Melbourne  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe Melbourne

Nachhilfe in Art

ID 30818
aus Melbourne
study score of 50, in VCE studio Arts
All level including VCE
Services include: %u2022 High quality Folio presentation %u2022 Essay construction %u2022 Art analysis; comparing and contrasting artists from different times and cultures, honing in on Design elements and Principles. %u2022 Assistance in generating ideas and identifying sources of inspiration %u2022 Exploring a variety of art forms other than traditional media %u2022 Practice techniques and materials including as well as the written expression of such mediums. %u2022 Establishing and achieving relationships between final artworks. %u2022 Depth knowledge of Art Industry; the operation of galleries and their presentation. %u2022 Organising a data base of notes for future SAC study and exam preparation %u2022 Exam study methods and practise I follow strictly to the rules, regulations and requirements of the 2010 Vcaa study design. My aim is to provide excellent services to students of all ages and skill levels doing both customary high school art and VCE studio Arts. I will encourage students to not only develop their art skill, but attempt diversity and independence through their work. I offer generous and reasonable prices and availability after school hours, weekends and school holidays.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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