Mastodon Nachhilfe Mathematics, KS2 Mathematics, KS3 Mathematics, GCSE Statistics, GCSE and A level Mathematics s9 4q Sheffield, BSc Mathematics with Qualified teacher status, Sheffield : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Sheffield

Der Ortsname ist nicht eindeutig. Meintest du: 16347 Sheffield in Pennsylvania | 61361 Sheffield in Illinois | 35660 Sheffield in Alabama | 01257 Sheffield in Massachusetts | 50475 Sheffield in Iowa | 05866 Sheffield in Vermont | 79781 Sheffield in Texas | S33 Sheffield in England | S32 Sheffield in England | S36 Sheffield in England | S11 Sheffield in England | S7 Sheffield in England | S1 Sheffield in England | S2 Sheffield in England | S3 Sheffield in England | S4 Sheffield in England | S5 Sheffield in England | S14 Sheffield in England | S98 Sheffield in England | S99 Sheffield in England
Suche: Sheffield  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe Sheffield

Nachhilfe in Mathematics, KS2 Mathematics, KS3 Mathematics, GCSE Statistics, GCSE and A level Mathematics

ID 13164
aus s9 4q Sheffield
Mathematics, KS2 Mathematics, KS3 Mathematics, GCSE Statistics, GCSE and A level Mathematics
BSc Mathematics with Qualified teacher status
KS3, GCSE, AS level, A2 level
I am a teacher with 10 years experience in teaching maths at all levels. I have an excellent record in achieving the best for my students. I love teaching and as such try enthuse my students to realise their full potential. I create an environment which is relaxed but purposeful where the student can ask questions freely and receive a clear and thorough explanation. I have also been a GCSE examiner for a number of years which puts me in a unique position to help my students.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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