Mastodon Nachhilfe French, German 3141 South Yarra, B.A. Applied Languages (French/German) rnSpecialisation in Interpreting and TranslationrnI have live, South Yarra Frenchy, Frenchy Nachhilfe in South Yarra : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Frenchy South Yarra

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Nachhilfe in South Yarra

Nachhilfe French, German All levels (primary, high school, VCE, Adult)

ID 37468
aus 3141 South Yarra
French, German
B.A. Applied Languages (French/German) rnSpecialisation in Interpreting and TranslationrnI have lived, studied and worked in France (Nice, Paris), and have also visited Quebec several times.rnrnI have studied in Germany (Leipzig) and have also lived and worked there (Berlin).
All levels (primary, high school, VCE, Adult)
I am a native English speaker with a degree in French and German Translation/Interpreting. As well as being fluent in both languages, I have the experience of learning them from scratch at school/university... so I know which methods and techniques work and how to make language-learning easy and fun! Subjects include: 1) Frenchrn2) German Happy to cover all aspects depending on your requirements. For example, explaining grammar, building your vocabulary, practicing speaking and listening comprehension, etc Experience I hold a degree in Interpreting/Translation, and have studied, lived and worked in both France and Germany. I also have experience in tutoring both languages, both for high school students preparing for exams, and adult students who want to learn the language for travel rnHourly rate: $35 per hour Service type: All school levels - primary and high school, VCE preparation. Also classes for adults, for example preparation for overseas holidays, business travel, or just an interest in learning a new language! I live in South Yarra, so am centrally located - happy to travel to your home .
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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